55 Most Delicious Chanel Purse Cakes

Most Delicious Chanel Purse Cakes And How To Make it thumb

How crazy are we about Chanel? Well, the power of this addiction could spread into our personal life. We want to buy it, wear it and even eat it. How can we eat Chanel? We can and they’re delicious too. Below are our top picks of Chanel Purse Cakes, but we have also other Chanel … Read more

How To Get A Chanel Dust Bag?

How To Get A Chanel Dust Bag thumb

Instagram @chanel.and.macarons Some people find the Chanel Dust Bag an important addition of the purchase. Others find it less important. But anyone who shops Chanel would like to walk back home with a complete set right? Chanel Dust Bag; bolded If you get a Chanel Bag from the boutique, you would also receive the following … Read more

Shopping Guide To Chanel Heathrow Airport

Chanel heathrow airport thumb

Where can you find the cheapest place to buy a brand-new Chanel Bag? At Heathrow airport of course! But to get the lowest price, you will need to follow certain rules. And also, you might have a lot of unanswered questions like: Do they sell the Boy Bag at Heathrow airport? Can you make a … Read more