It never surprise me to see two bags that are very similar in terms of look. Guess what? We took the Givenchy Antigona bag and the Kate Spade Catherine street Pippa bag in the interrogation room for questioning. Let’s see which one deserves our attention.
The Givenchy Antigona bag already earned its name in the world of fashion. It’s tight, structured and the quality is flawless. The stitches are small, hidden and you need to zoom-in to see them clearly with the naked eyes. The logo is embellished elegantly at the padded top panel. But here’s the main reason why we are so attracted to antigona; silver tone ‘corner’ hardware and they shine like diamonds. And the price? Forward by Elyse Walker is selling it for $2,435.
Now, the Kate Spade Catherine street pippa bag is sitting very calm in the other room. She seems to be very confident in her thick, butterly soft cowhide jacket. I would feel the same way if I was decorated with 14-karat light gold hardware. But apart from that, she is bragging about her $398 price tag at Kate Spade and that anyone would love her for that.
So which one deserves your love, the Givenchy antigona bag or the Kate Spade Catherine street pippa bag?
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the atingona of course but the price is for the medium one right? do u know what is the price of the antigona small ?
thanks for the article
That really depends on the color and style. The lowest price I have seen so far for the small antigona small: $1,965
Which color you like?