A little research shows where you can find the cheapest place to buy your Chanel dream bag. A couple percentage discount is already a few of hundred bucks less and you can use the extra money to buy something else, don’t you agree?
Until today, Chanel has increased their prices every year, but when comparing EU, Asia and US, the cheapest place is still Europe. If you are a NON-EU citizen, you can enjoy a whopping 12% tax advantage. And if not, you can still fly over to Heathrow airport and buy in the tax-free area.
Even if we don’t include the EU tax advantage, it still cheaper to buy in Europe, thanks to currency exchange. The price of a Chanel reissue 226 cost €3,450, while you are paying $4,900 in the US (prices from 2012).
Maybe the price differences has to do with the shipping cost, Chanel bags are made in France, Spain and Italy, but to get into the US or Hong Kong, they need be transported. On the other hand, the extreme high-demand on luxury products in Asia are pulling the prices up, people in Hong Kong are willing to stand in line just to get INTO the Chanel boutique. How amazing is that?
Now that might explain the ridiculous prices in Hong Kong. But for me, I love shopping Chanel in France, especially in Paris. It’s like picking your fruit fresh from the tree. And they have 12 boutiques available, with nice and professionally trained SA’s to assist me. I love Chanel and I love Paris!
UPDATE: You can find the latest information about buying Chanel bags cheaper here.
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The cheapest place to buy Chanel is not buying in States. I have success with tax-refund buying Chanel on airport and in Paris.
cheapest place depend on the currency, you can save a hundred of dollars when you buy at the right time, when the euro’s are lowest.
OMG, i will buy my chanel next week in paris, im so excited !!
If you convert the currency it’s still cheapest in Europe. You can save over $1000 AUD if you buy the GST in Europe instead of Australia (Around $2150AUD in Europe and $3360AUD in Australia.
OMG, are you sirious, about which bag are we talking about? the 2.55 reissue right?