

What Every Girl Needs #5: Mulberry Daria French Purse

Sometimes I have an addiction to matching. I try to match bags with the right accessories and jewelries. I belief ...


Must Haves #7: Mulberry Choc Bayswater

So far you might have notice that I only picked the ‘classics’, ‘timeless’ and the ‘IT’ bags. That’s no surprise, ...


Is Hermes Birkin Worth Buying? Don’t They?

I received a question lately whether the Hermes Birkin is worth buying and I want to write a short post ...


What Every Girl Needs #4: Marc Jacobs Hinge Bangle

What would be the perfect gift to receive for valentine’s day? Sometimes guys can be very last-minute oriented. It does ...


Must Haves: #6: Marc Jacobs Black Golden Shoulder Bag Quilted Stam

The ever popular stam bag and named after the Canadian model Jessica Stam. First released in 2005 and have been ...