The Louis Vuitton Loop Hobo Bag brings back the larger shoulder bag that can carry everything you need. The thick shoulder strap makes carrying comfortable, and whenever you want to go out for a coffee or bring a book with you, this bag has all the space you need. It is supple and roomy, and it features a mix of Monogram and Monogram Reversed Canvas. Following the current trend of half-moon-shaped bags, it is reinforced with leather corners for protection. The chain and strap offer multiple carrying options — cross-body, on the shoulder, or by hand.
The price of the Louis Vuitton Loop Hobo Bag is $2,840 USD. This bag is available in one size – its a size between the MM and the GM, so not too big and not too small. There are few leather options including the Monogram Empreinte and Monogram Reversed. The hardware is gold-colored. You can wear the bag crossbody or on the shoulder. The Loop Hobo Bag is more popular and bigger than the regular Loop Bag. There are only positive comments. The Loop Hobo Bag also have more choices, you can also get it in the color black.
Half-moon is the new trend and this bag has the perfect size to hold anything you want
The bag looks stylish and can be worn with any outfit
This bag size is not too big and not too small
The chain could be a couple inch longer
You have to like the shape, some people don’t like it
Some people have issues with the zipper, because its fussy and doesn’t run smoothly
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